Public Voting Records

South Carolina Public Voting Records

Look up voter records and election history at libraries.
South Carolina Public Voting Records

Verify Voter Registration

Make sure you're ready for the next general or primary election. Check the status of your voter registration and confirm the accuracy of the information here. Find your local polling location.
Voter Information

Register or update registration

Registration is available online if you already have a South Carolina Driver's License or Department of Motor Vehicle Identification. The personal information with the DMV must be current to be approved.
Register Online

Registration is also available at your local county board of voter registration. the applicaitons can also be download from this website. Printed forms can be physically mailed, faxed or scanned and emailed to the local county office.

Registration Form

Update voter registration information

updating your personal information can be done online as long the voter has a current driver's license or identification. Address must be updated on the DMV site first before updating the voter registration.

1) Update DMV Address
2) Update Voter Registration
Change of Address Form

Find your local county office.
Local Board of Registers

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